Friday, August 15, 2014

Pergola | Part 3 & Garden | Part 2

Hooray for progress!!! :)
We are FINALLY starting to finish our projects! haha
It's not that we have been taking extended breaks, 
but instead that we have been working on MANY different projects at once. 

When the weather started heating up, I just couldn't take the heat in our backyard. 
It bakes back there and I have found that I get overheated quickly. 
So, that limits work to the Pergola and Patio to mornings and evenings...
but to make matters more complicated, that is when it likes to RAIN! :)

Being the busy body that I am, we started projects inside the house, 
and have been doing whatever the weather and our time allows!

Here is the [nearly] finished pergola and patio!
Only staining/weather proofing the wood is left.

We added 4 more end cap/scrolls, 2 to each corner,
 it give the pergola a more balanced look. 

We also added  a thin layer of sand between the pavers 
and then added Sakrete Gray Polymeric Sand to the top 1/2 inch.

The polymeric sand is fantastic so far! 
It doesn't wash out during rain storms.
Doesn't stick to your bare feet.
And it looks great too!

Pippa has been enjoying it as well.  
While it was unfinished she wasn't quite sure how to walk on pavers 
without stepping in the cracks or getting sandy. haha

The backyard sure is looking green!
[although the nice grass we were growing this spring is being invaded by crab grass]

Our garden has been taking off recently.  
It had a late start this season, 
but overall we are thrilled with our first attempt at organic gardening. 
We do need to figure out the squash bugs, vine borers, and cucumber beetles!
Those critters are keeping me busy... and I hate squishing them!! 

In late June, we put in this flower garden and it is such a delight! 
I frequently see hummingbirds and many different varieties of butterflies visiting.
That is what a garden is all about! 
Enjoying nature in your backyard and giving the animals and insects a habitat.
We have seen a significant increase in wildlife in our back garden since we've started landscaping. 

Another nice addition to our back garden are these lovely glass bird feeders.  
My parents started making them this summer 
and I'm lucky enough to have a few to brighten up the backyard.

This one is my favorite, but I've yet to hang it up.
Once we finish staining the pergola, I think we'll find a place for it. 

Next on the outdoor list:
- Stain the Pergola / Weather proof
- Add the canvas curtains to pergola
- Plant more trees ( this fall)
- Get some good grass planted

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