Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Cleaning

Hello friends!  I've been quiet on here, as is usually the case this time of year.  Work becomes very hectic and my work-life balance gets thrown off a bit {or a lot}.

The good news is we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The bad news is it may be another month before things get closer to normal.

The great news is that I've been working on a new website and am building that right now to debut before our great European Summer Adventure!  I'm pretty excited about it {both the new site and the adventure}.

Oh and another thing... back in early Fall my hard drive containing all my photos crashed, which was beyond devastating. More good news:  I was able to rescue about 90% of the photos!  BUT, not the processed photos, mainly just the originals in raw form.  My grand plan of Wander Wednesday kind of nose dived after that... and my Mindful Monday would have been a bit bitter. haha.

I hope to resume those endeavors with the launch of the new site design.

In the meantime, you can follow me on Instagram.  I've created a couple accounts, one for Whispering Whims and one for my glorious pups! :)

A collection of my favorite photos taken on past and present adventures.

Pipson Adventures
The life and leisure of Pippa and Watson.
Pretty much just playing and sleeping. :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spring is Here

Peach blossoms and sweet Carolina skies tonight. 
Guess it's time to come out of hibernation. 🌸

We've been pretty busy around here this past winter. 
A few house projects, but mainly we've both been working on our classes.
Pretty much it's been study, study, study!
Luckily, Paul's nearly finished with his last semester 
and I have a couple more classes left. 

Even though we've had our noses stuck in our books, 
we do have some projects to update you on.  
Our kitchen counters/backsplash was finished this December. 
We finally finished up our dining room, but are looking for the right chandelier.
We've also been working on some changes to our master bedroom. 
This weekend I'll be working on redoing a barrel cane chair I rescued. :)

Even though we've been a bit quiet these past few months, 
we are doing well, keeping busy, and planning some great projects and adventures.

BIG NEWS: Summer 2016 will officially be spent in Europe! 
Home base will be Copenhagen, Denmark.
We are beyond excited for this opportunity and have SO much to plan. 

All images and text are property of Rose Spadaro and may not be reproduced without permission. This site is powered by Blogger and was made a little lovelier by The Sunday Studio.