Monday, October 5, 2015

Mindful {Monday} | Well Hello Again...

I've been skimping on the mindful Monday posts.. and well my posts in general.  It's not that I haven't been mindful, but instead that I have been really trying to live so much in the moment recently {honestly, I've been forced to} that I don't always have a moment {or always want to spend a rare moment} writing here.

Our new schedule has been a bit of a challenge and getting used to it {am I used to it?} has taken a bit of time.  I really have the easy job in this whole Paul going back to school thing.  It's keeping us both busy, but like always, I am amazed at the speed of time.  That speed is both a relief, as we can see the end in sight, and a bit scary with exam deadlines, papers, and non-stop homework always looming.

I do love how organized it has forced us to be. There is nothing like rising to meet a challenge and I feel like that is what we have both been doing; me on the home-front and him in the classroom.

Here is the schedule we have settled into lately:

Monday & Tuesday: 
5:20 AM - Wake up, walk the dogs, shower and get ready.
7:00 AM - Rose to work
7:15 AM - Paul to work
12:30 PM - Paul to Library
5:30 PM - Paul to class
5:30 PM/6:00 PM - Rose to home
6:30 PM - Eat, feed pets, walk dogs, shower
8:30 PM - Paul, class ends
9:00 PM - Paul home
9:30 PM - 10:30 PM - Bed please.

5:20 AM - Wake up, walk the dogs, shower and get ready.
7:00 AM - Rose to work
7:15 AM - Paul to work
12:30 PM - Paul to Library
5:30 PM/6:00 PM - Rose to home
6:30 PM - Paul to class
6:30 PM - Rose eat, feed pets, walk dogs, shower, cook
9:15 PM - Paul, class ends
10:00 PM - Paul home
10:00 PM - 10:30 PM - Bed please.

5:20 AM - Wake up, walk the dogs, shower and get ready.
7:00 AM - Rose to work
7:15 AM - Paul to work
12:30 PM - Paul to Library
5:30 PM - Paul to class
5:30 PM/6:00 PM - Rose to home
6:30 PM - Eat, feed pets, walk dogs, shower
8:30 PM - Paul, class ends
9:00 PM - Paul home
9:30 PM - 10:30 PM - Bed please.

5:20 AM - Wake up, walk the dogs, shower and get ready.
7:15 AM - Rose to work
7:15 AM - Paul to work
5:00 PM - Rose to home
5:30 PM - Paul to home
Some time after work: Grocery Shopping/Dinner

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM  - Wake up, walk the dogs, shower and get ready.
12:00 PM - Paul to library, Rose cleans home & HOPEFULLY works on projects!!
5:30PM / 6:00PM - Dinner
Hopefully time to hang out after this... just depends on homework

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM  - Wake up, walk the dogs, shower and get ready.
12:00 PM - Paul to library, Rose cooks dinners and packs lunch for the week & HOPEFULLY works on projects!!
5:30PM / 6:00PM - Dinner
Hopefully time to hang out after this... just depends on homework

So you can quickly see where our time now goes each week. Also, Pippa {our dog} has been getting into a strange habit of jumping up onto the bed in the middle of the night and waking us up.. sometimes multiple times.  On these nights we wake up so sleep deprived... we wonder how people that have kids do this???

Anyway, our schedule isn't anything special, but it has forced us to really get into a better habit of being more efficient with our time and schedule things as much as possible.  Planning meals and cooking large batches has been essential to making sure we are eating well... Which means we stay away from the fast food.  I mean... maybe a pizza here or there on a Friday ;) 

We are both definitely looking forward to a break during Thanksgiving and Christmas {which you know I'd love to pack with projects}... but, honestly, I'm really looking forward to just hanging out and binge watching movies with my hubby, whom I miss quite a bit. 

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